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My Birth Day

Hi! My name is Judea Kinley. You can call me “Judy.”
I was born a few days ago on November 18, 2019 at 5:07 p.m.
I weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces.
I was 19 ½ inches long.
Daddy and Mommy said I should mention all this information. They said you guys might want to know all of this. But it seems kind of silly to me. Everything has changed—the date, my weight, and probably my length. The only thing that’s stayed the same is my name.
My birth was kind of an adventure. I suppose all births are an adventure, but mine was a little extra exciting for one particular reason.
Mommy and I went to Lutheran Hospital at 4:00 a.m. Daddy said he wanted to get Mommy and me over there because Mommy was having more and more contractions. I explain those in a minute.
The original plan was to go two hours later at 6:00 a.m. because I was a week late.
From what I hear, lots of people are late all the time. But apparently, everyone wanted me to hurry up. So the plan was to “introduce” or “reduce” or “induce”—I can’t remember which.
We got there and I could already tell something was up. Mommy was having contractions. That means when your room starts trying to get smaller.
I heard a few people talking to Mommy and Daddy. One of them was the doctor. Her name was Dr. Python. Let me tell you, that’s not the kind of name that makes a baby want to come out and see the world.
But Dr. Python was very nice and said I wouldn’t have to be “reduced” or “induced” after all. It seemed like I was going to just go ahead and be born.
A few hours went by. I could hear Mommy and she sounded like she was not having a ton of fun. Don’t get me wrong. She was very excited to meet me. The hard part was the waiting.
Some more hours went by and the hospital people helped Mommy feel better. So that made me feel better too. I started to think about leaving my room.
I heard the nurse say to my daddy, “Count with me to 10.” The nurse told Mommy to push while they counted.
Daddy and the nurse said, “One, two, three, four, five—” and the nurse said “Stop! Here comes the baby!”
The nurse had Daddy push a button to call the other hospital people. The nurse told the hospital people it was very important Dr. Python get there right away.
I thought the nurse was talking to me.
I decided to just go ahead and be born.
The nurse caught me right as Dr. Python came into the room.
It was crazy how bright everything was and there was lots of laughing. Mommy and Daddy kept saying my name. The nurse and Dr. Python handed me to Mommy.
At first I missed my room. I explained this to everyone in great detail. But after a while, I liked being out of my room. I got to see Mommy and Daddy. They got to hold me.
Yeah, I think this arrangement is going to be very good.


  1. We are very excited for you all. Wish we could be there to see little Judy. Love you all and God bless your little family.


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